2022/09/12 18:54

commons&sense man ISSUE33 先行予約販売を開始いたしました。

2020年に端を発したコロナウイルスパンデミックにより、 世界はずっと、闇に覆われていました。 
やっと、かすかな光が差し込みだした今、 最初に見えてくるのは、虹...?! 


今号commons&sense man ISSUE33は、
レディース号 commons&sense ISSUE63(8月27日発売)に引き続き、

さらに今回は特別に、通常版に加え、LOUIS VUITTONとの特別企画による
commons&sense man ISSUE33 SPECIAL EDITIONを制作しました。


Limited Pre-order of commons&sense man ISSUE33 starts today on 12th September 2022, exclusively on our official online store.

The world has been in darkness since the COVID-19 pandemic that began in 2020. 
Now, at last, a glimmer of light is beginning to shine through, and the first thing you see is a rainbow...? 
After enduring the long dark hours... 
we have a feeling that a colourful, shining rainbow is waiting for us.

You don't have to wait for the world to be filled with light.
Let's start with fashion and enjoy every day in a colourful way!

As well as commons&sense ISSUE63 (out on 27th August),
our next issue, commons&sense man ISSUE33, is such a colourful issue filled with power of “COLOUR”!

This time, in addition to the standard version, we made a special edition with LOUIS VUITTON.
For the special issue, Nissy appears on the cover.

The issue will be available at the bookstores from 27th September 2022.
We hope you enjoy our issue!!