2022/08/10 21:20

commons&sense ISSUE63 先行予約販売を開始いたしました。

2020年に端を発したコロナウイルスパンデミックにより、 世界はずっと、闇に覆われていました。 
やっと、かすかな光が差し込みだした今、 最初に見えてくるのは、虹...?! 

ドラマ『Sex and the City』で、Samantha Jonesは言いました。
“I can’t color enough.
I would color all day everyday if I had my way.
I would use every crayon in my box.”


今号commons&sense ISSUE63は、


Limited Pre-order of commons&sense ISSUE63 starts today on 10th August 2022, exclusively on our official online store.

The world has been in darkness since the COVID-19 pandemic that began in 2020. 
Now, at last, a glimmer of light is beginning to shine through, and the first thing you see is a rainbow...? 
After enduring the long dark hours... 
we have a feeling that a colourful, shining rainbow is waiting for us.

As Samantha Jones said in “Sex and the City”, 
“I can’t color enough.
I would color all day everyday if I had my way.
I would use every crayon in my box.”

You don't have to wait for the world to be filled with light.
Let's start with fashion and enjoy every day in a colourful way!

Our next issue, commons&sense ISSUE63, is such a colourful issue filled with power of “COLOUR”!

The issue will be available at the bookstores from 27th August 2022.
We hope you enjoy our issue!!